Liquid gold of Morocco is undoubtedly one of the best natural oils recommended for hair care. The enormous amount of vitamins, minerals, omega fatty acids and other antioxidants in one drop, provides amazing effects on our hair. Take a look at our brief tutorial on how argan oil works and how to use it to make the best of it.
Argan oil is a valuable source of nutrients, and comprehensively supports all kinds of hair – strengthens, moisturises, regenerates, nourishes, softens, adds shine and dramatically improves the condition of hair. however, when using argan oil, it is important to remember two essential rules.
First of all, be cautious with the dosage. Argan oil is an efficient oil, therefore even a small drop will make wonders.
In addition, considering the rather high price of this oil, it is better to save it.
Secondly, apply it to dry hair, prior to washing. Thank to this, you will achieve much better effects. However, in the case of high porosity hair, applying on wet hair will bring more satisfying results.
Boosting hair growth mask.
Ingderients: egg yolk, argan oil, castor oil, natural yoghurt.
Preparation: Blend the ingredients altogether. You will need 2 tablespoons of argan oil (restoration) 1 tablespoon of castor oil (strengthening), 1 egg yolk (adds shine), 1 tablespoon of natural yoghurt (hydrating). Apply the mask with your fingertips, gently massaging the scalp. Do not forget to distribute it on the rest of the hair as well. Secure it with a towel and leave for about thirty minutes. Wash it thoroughly with a gentle shampoo.
Conditioner for dull hair.
Ingredients: argan oil, regular moisturising conditioner,
Preparation: A part of your favourite hair conditioner, mix well with a part of unrefined argan oil. Preferably a tablespoon of each of them. Apply the mixture on dry hair, approximately fifteen minutes before washing your hair. Remember to use a gentle shampoo.
Hair strengthening shampoo.
Ingredients: argan oil, regular shampoo.
Preparation: A dose of your favourite, and of course gentle, shampoo (without any silicones such as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate), mix with organic argan oil. Make sure to follow the proportions: one tablespoon of the shampoo and a teaspoon of the oil. Wash your hair as usually and rinse well.
Serum for damaged ends.
Ingredients: argan oil, hyaluronic acid or silk
Preparation: A tablespoon of unrefined argan oil mix with a teaspoon of hyaluronic acid or natural silk (try avoiding the synthetic ones). Apply this mixture only to the ends. Make sure not to overdose the oil. Only a small drop is necessary to protect and regenerate damaged hair tips. You definitely do not want to make your hair look greasy or weight it down.
Coconut oil is cheaper but only the refined in the store. The one for hair has different price, then again argan oil you can get cheaper online. I wouldn’t go for replacements cause coconut can cost you frizzy hair (argan does not)…
true that!
hey, coconut oil someone? Heard it works like argan oil but it’s few times cheaper, so why overpay??
Argan oil, again? Seriously? I hear about it everywhere, bought it once cause I got tempted by the articles in the Internet and I spent so much cash for nothing – t o o g r e a s y
I use it on hair, face and nails and its superb
Google sis not an enemy you know… :/ any store online has it and now in every stationary store even, just make sure you’re buying 100% argan oil and not some other with addition of it, it’s pointless then!
Where can I buy argan oil? I can’t go to Morocco…
well, with flat iron it’s perfect, protects like no other <3
Parched after flat iron and I want to reanimate it. I heard that argan oil is the go to for moisture, but I don’t wanna have greasy hair. Thanks for the rep!!! :))
GO AHEAD! Argan oil absorbs super fast and hair is so soft that you then sit and keep on touching them for hours while watching a good tv show, haha. What’s the problem with your hair?
Do you use it on hair? I pan to and have some doubts that hair’ll be greasy and I have big problem with it as it is :((
Ladies, argan oil is truly amazing oil and I know what I am talking about because I use it for over a year after I bought it for a discounted price in the drug store 😛 it is great to hydrate and nourish skin of face. At first I was worried that my face will sjine and look oily. Nothing like that it disappears in skin and you can make some face massage with it. Try it!!!
Can I use it instead of UV filter mist?!!
I heard about this oil on the trip to Egypt and it supposed to called the flowing gold or something, like its luxurious. To me no oil is luxurious because its just oil…
Not flowing but liquid. And it’s cause it is great for skin and hair care and is hard to get. It is made only in Morocco.